9/7: Staff
5/7: Education
10/4: Contact
5/4: Staff
6/2: Staff


14/12: Staff, Publications and Contact
6/11: Optical Microsystems
23/10: Contact
2/10: Staff
11/9: Staff and Publications
7/7: Education
29/6: Staff
12/6: Contact
7/6: Staff and Contact
5/4: Contact
14/3: Staff
30/1: Staff
17/1: Staff
10/1: Staff


17/11: Staff, Publications and Contact
7/11: Staff
24/10: Staff
29/9: Staff
23/9: Publications
22/9: Staff
21/9: News
5/9: Staff
20/7: Education
14/7: News
19/5: Staff
18/5: Contact
3/5: Staff
27/4: Staff
4/4: Contact
27/3: Staff and Publications
25/2: Contact
14/1: Staff


9/12: Jobs and News
26/10: News and Contact
25/10: Staff
11/10: Contact and Staff
11/8: Staff
7/7: Education
1/7: Staff
4/5: Staff
3/5: News
15/3: Staff
17/2: News
12/2: Infrastructure
26/1: Optical Microsystems page
18/1: Infrastrcuture
15/1: Staff


19/11: News, People and Jobs
10/11: People and Publications
24/9: News
25/8: Student corner
16/3: People
12/2: News
11/2: News
4/2: News
21/1: Projects
17/1: Projects
10/1: Staff


10/12: Printed Photonics
5/12: News
7/11: News
9/10: News
8/10: Staff
26/9: News
15/8: News
23/4: News
15/3: Publications
6/3: Printed Photonics
1/2: News
15/1: Staff, Contact


29/10: Staff, Jobs
24/9: Courses
11/9: Contact
17/8: Jobs
30/5: News
12/3: News
16/1: Staff


11/12: Contact
5/12: Contact
2/11: Staff
28/9: Infrastructure
25/9: Staff, ex-colleagues
7/9: Update of course specifications in Cmst Student Corner
1/9: Jobs
10/7: Jobs
6/7: Jobs
27/6: News
9/6: News
1/6: News, Projects
24/5: Staff, Publications
15/5: Projects
11/5: Staff
10/5: Website update
18/4: Jobs
11/4: Research Domains & 'Polymer structuring and microfluidics'
21/3: Reasearch Domains
16/2: Staff
10/2: Jobs, Projects
27/1: Jobs
23/1: Staff
9/1: Staff


13/12: Projects Table
8/12: News
1/12: Added 'Polymer structuring and microfluidics'-group page
28/11: Added facebook and twitter links to footer
23/11: Launch of the updated CMST website.
6/9: Publications
9/8: Update of course specifications in Cmst Student Corner
8/8: Ex-staff, Publications
11/4: Projects
21/3: How To Reach Us
21/3: Contact information
21/1: Staff, Publications, Master's thesises


19/10: Publications, How To Reach Us
16/10: Staff
6/10: Staff
27/8: Staff
25/8: Awards
14/8: Update of course specifications in Cmst Student Corner
11/8: Smart power
27/5: Awards
4/5: Staff
23/4: Publications
30/3: Staff and Publications
24/3: Staff
5/1: Master's thesises, Staff, Publications


10/12: CMST in the news
3/11: Update of course specifications in Cmst Student Corner
20/10: Staff
3/10: Staff
22/9: Staff
27/8: Awards
14/8: Staff, CMST Home
4/8: Staff
15/7: Projects
14/7: CMST social events
16/6: CMST social events
4/6: Staff
22/5: Publications, new Vacancy.
14/5: Projects
12/5: CMST Social Events
8/5: How to reach us
7/5: Publications
2/4: Staff and Publications
31/3: Staff
25/2: Publications
21/2: Staff
20/2: CMST in the news
27/1: Staff
21/1: Upcoming conferences updated
20/1: Staff
13/1: Upcoming conferences updated
7/1: Publications
6/1: Staff


4/12: Advanced Implantable Packaging for Biomedical Electronic Devices, Staff, new Vacancy and Publications
20/11: CMST in the news
14/11: Polymer photonics and laser technology, Advanced packaging and CMST research
7/11: Awards, Advanced packaging, Stretchable microsystems and Display technology
5/11: Staff and Publications
4/11: Staff
30/10: CMST in the news
18/10: stretchable microsystems
16/10: Infrastructure
16/10: Publications
8/10: vacancy closed
1/10: Staff
23/9: Staff
20/9: Update of course specifications in Cmst Student Corner
27/8: New vacancy added
22/8: Cmst in the news updated with 'smart contact lens' news coverage
17/6: Staff
17/6: New vacancy added
27/5: Staff
6/3: Publications
5/3: Staff
30/1: Staff and Publications


27/11: Staff
24/11: Slideshow updated; vacancies closed
22/11: Publications
21/11: Staff
23/10: Upcoming conferences
18/10: Staff
12/10: Group slideshow updated
10/10: Update of course specifications in Cmst Student Corner
6/9: Vacancy (SECONDOS project) added
3/7: Cmst on the front page of Journal of Polymer Science
2/7: New vacancy added
16/4: Vacancies
25/3: Research pages updated
9/3: Education
4/3: Conferences updated
28/2: external vacancy added
24/2: Staff
24/1: Publications


14/12: Publications
14/12: Staff
9/12: Staff
6/12: Projects and Awards updated 
13/10: Vacancy added
11/10: Vacancy added
6/9: How to reach us
26/8: Staff
1/7: Staff
24/6: Display week 2011 YouTube channel
16/6: Name of Faculty updated; List of upcoming conferences
7/6: Staff
18/4: New vacancy!
7/4: Staff
4/3: Publications
2/3: Staff
21/2: New webcam installed
18/2: Staff
9/2: Staff


20/12: Eurodisplay 2011 announced
18/12: Season's Greetings
21/11: SID-MEC Spring 2011 meeting announced 
16/11: ODICIS in the news
13/10: Staff
31/8: New external vacancy. (PhD: batteries for electric cars)
5/8: Social events. 
5/8: Project list updated. CMST is involved in 18 FP7 projects.
5/8: 2 specific vacancies closed
29/6: Phosfos promo film
17/6: New external vacancy
16/6: New vacancy
14/6: New vacancy
25/5: Project list updated. CMST is involved in 14 FP7 projects.
8/4: Staff
15/3: PhD Vincent De Gezelle put online
25/1: New external vacancy
13/1: New vacancy
7/1: Staff


10/12: Season's Greetings
26/11: Staff
25/11: VTM coverage of Flex Stretch Workshop
19/11: Staff + new external vacancy
28/9: Staff
6/8: Announcement of Flex Stretch Workshop
5/8: Staff
2/7: Publication list
22/6: Publication list
8/5: New job opportunity (PhD grant)
7/5: Staff
21/4: Staff + PhD Hüseyin Murat
27/3: CMST in the news
25/3: Social events
17/3: Staff
24/2: PhD thesis Nina Hendrickx
17/3: Staff
18/1: New external vacancy (Alcatel)
16/1: New vacancy (in Dutch)
14/1: PhD thesis Jonathan Govaerts
9/1: Staff
1/1: Season's Greetings


4/12: Staff
5/11: Staff
24/9: Publications
24/9: Staff
18/9:PhD thesises
16/9: PhD thesises on-line, staff
15/9: Master's thesises on-line 12/9: Staff
20/8: Staff
20/8: 2 PhD vacancies closed, 1 still open
6/8: Staff
2/7: 2 New PhD vacancies
1/7: 2 New PhD vacancies
16/6: Staff
14/5: Cadence design award
22/4: New PhD vacancy
18/4: New item: CMST in the news
1/4: IMAPS-Benelux Spring Event 2008 announcement
19/3: About CMST
3/3: New name "CMST" introduced
15/1: New external vacancy        


29/12: The Microdisplay Page
26/12: Season's greetings
17/12: about CMST
13/12: Award list updated
10/12: Welcome to a new colleague
29/11: New external job vacancy
15/11: New job vacancy
10/11: Display systems research page
10/23: The Microdisplay Page
17/10: Major cleanroom regulations update (private area)
11/10: Welcome to our new colleagues
25/9: Upcoming conference: IMAPS-Benelux Autumn event
4/9: about CMST
3/9: Domain descriptions updated
16/8: Exhibition by a former colleague
13/8: Staff update
9/8: Publications + Infrastructure page updated
8/8: FAOS project website online
13/7: 2 new job vacancies
12/7: Publications
10/7: Staff lineup
6/7: Research pages updated (Flex & stretch optics & electronics)
20/6: Education page (Student corner)
6/6: Improved site navigation + adopted UGent house style
30/4: How to reach us
6/4: SWEET project page online
30/3: New job vacancy
30/3: Student corner
23/3: IMAPS UK Microtech 2007 Best Paper Award
23/2: Announcement of Flex-stretch electronics workshop
15/2: Jobs
7/2: Fabrice Axisa wins Polytronic Japan Best Paper Award
17/1&6/2: The Microdisplay Page
16/1: Pizza event


21/12: Season's greetings
11/12: Staff
5/12: The Microdisplay Page
29/11: Awards
26/11: Tech & design facilities added
16/11: The Microdisplay Page
25/10: link to Euripides website
19/10: Publications & Staff
25/9: Publications
11/9: Staff
10/7: link to art gallery Maurice De Caluwé
28/6: Layout of welcome page updated (UGent house style)
22/6: The Microdisplay Page
20/6: Jobs
14/6: Projects, @aglance, asic design
5/5: How to reach us
2/5: R&D slideshow updated
3&24/04: Student corner
21/3 : stretchable circuit movie added
17&20/3: Student corner
15/3: R&D slideshow updated
15/3: Student corner: scripties 2006-2007
10/3: New award
3/3: The Microdisplay Page
27&28/2; 1&2/3: Student corner
22/2: The Microdisplay Page
20/2: Projects
10&13&20/2: Student corner
12/1: Publications


21/12: R&D slideshow updated
16/12: TFCG @ a glance
12/12 The Microdisplay Page
6/12: Season's Greetings
28/11: Publications
21/11: Student corner
17/11: The Microdisplay Page
7/11: Student corner
3&4/11: The Microdisplay Page
3/11: IWT-SBO-BioFlex project added
2/11: Student corner
26/10: The Microdisplay Page
19/10: R&D slideshow added
18/10: Contact information added
17/10: TFCG @ a glance
4/10: Student corner, Staff
3/10: TFCG @ a glance
27/9: Publications
14/9: Student corner
6/7: The Microdisplay Page
5/7: New cleanroom gallery
4/7: TFCG @ a glance
1/7: Projects
9/6: Staff
17/5: The Microdisplay Page
2/5: Student corner
19/4: Publications and Student corner
25/3: Pictures of SID-ME meeting
7&20/2 & 4&11&18&23/3: Student corner
3/2: How to reach us
27&31/1&1/2: Student corner
11/01:  SID-ME 2005 spring meeting
06/01 : New job opportunities


28/12: Infrastructure
17&22/12: Student corner
15/12: How to reach us
15/12: Student corner
14/12: Staff
7-10/12: Student corner
6/12: Publications
29/11&2&3&6/12: Student corner
26/11: Projects & Student corner
22/11: Student corner
15/11: TCAD
15/11: Student corner
10/11: Staff en Projects
27/10: How to reach us
18/10 : SID-ME 2005 spring meeting
15&18/10 : Student corner
13&14/10 :  Student corner
13/10: The Microdisplay Page
13/10 :  Student corner
30/9&7/10: Student corner
28/9: The Microdisplay Page
2/9&13/9&23/9 : Student corner
31/8: HV ASIC design
19/8: Student corner
15/8/2004: Anniversary: the TFCG page is 10 years old!
14/6: Staff
21/5: The Microdisplay Page
12&14/5: Student corner
30/4: How to reach us
23/3:More Cleanroom pictures
31/3 : Student corner
26/3 : EC-FP5-IMECAT results added
23/3:More Cleanroom pictures
18/3: Student corner: SCRIPTIES
16/3: Student corner
15/3: Student corner: SCRIPTIES
3/3: Staff 

(No history archiving in period from 20/1/1998 to 1/3/2004)

1998/01/19 : The Microdisplay Page added
1997/12/22 : MPEG movie of reflective microdisplay added
1997/12/11 : Grey level images reflective microdisplay added
1997/12/02 : Staff list updated
1997/11/24 : New vacancy added
1997/09/12 : Results concerning reflective microdisplay added
1997/01/30 : Staff pictures added and updated
1996/07/04 : Job opportunities list added ("vacancies")
1996/06/24 : Staff list updated
1996/04/11 : Pictures of new equipment added
1996/02/29 : Staff list reorganized
1995/09/29 : Equipment pictures added
1995/09/18 : Staff list update
1995/30/08 : Fancy background added
1994/12/12 : Re-design of home page
1994/08/15 : TFCG Home Page put on the Web